A Manhunt and a Woman's Story (washingtonpost.com):
I do find the story of the hostage chick fascinating, though, and think she did a great job. In spite of the emotions I express here in this blog, I do think it's important to recognize and empathize with the humanity of violent criminals. I think they deserve humane executions, for sure.
"There, in that suburban apartment north of Atlanta, she told Nichols, hunted and already reviled for allegedly killing four people, that 'he wasn't this bad person everybody made him out to be.'"Notice how the reporter doesn't say, "already reviled for allegedly raping, binding, and imprisoning a woman over the course of three days . . . and killing four people." Seriously folks, isn't rape enough cause for the general population to "revile" a man? Obviously not.
I do find the story of the hostage chick fascinating, though, and think she did a great job. In spite of the emotions I express here in this blog, I do think it's important to recognize and empathize with the humanity of violent criminals. I think they deserve humane executions, for sure.