Thursday, February 26, 2004

Florida students suspended for bus assault:
"JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Seven middle school students were suspended and a school bus driver was placed on leave after the beating of a 12-year-old student was captured on a surveillance camera aboard the bus."

We need to stop treating acts of violence committed by juveniles as school disciplinary problems, and treat them as CRIMES because that is what they are. Public school is one of the scariest most brutal environments human beings are compelled to negotiate. I vividly remember witnessing lots of fights (and less overt violence) when going to public school (not in an inner city, but in one of those oh-so-welcoming small-town schools). I think I've only seen two fights since leaving high school . . . and one of them was a fight between high school kids off school grounds. Ugh.

I guess after airing the videotape, they are actually taking legal action against the kids -- oh wow, they MIGHT get four months in juvie. Big fucking deal. And then the school will be forced to let these little shits back in school.

It cracks me up that they say the victim was "not seriously injured". Yeah right. I saw the videotape. I felt psychologically injured just WATCHING this kid trapped in his seat, trying to shield his head while being pummeled like a fucking punching bag with a riotous group of attackers surrounding him. That is sick fucking shit and something that I'd venture to guess all kids who go to public school experience themselves or at least witness. Talk about terrifying!! And we make kids endure this environment from kindergarten through twelfth grade. THAT is terrorism.

Friday, February 06, 2004 - Carlie Brucia's body found; murder charges filed - Feb. 6, 2004:
"Carlie's body was found on the property of Central Church of Christ on Proctor Road near Interstate 75, about two miles from a car wash where she was abducted Sunday, law enforcement sources said. "

Sixth grader taking a shortcut home. A carwash video camera captures the guy nabbing her. The video is all over the internet like fucking Paris Hilton.

Is it morbid and horrid that we want to watch the videotape of her being abducted right before her murder? Does this inform us? Desensitize us? Or titillate and entertain us?

I'm not sure I understand the difference between violent porn sites that charge membership fees, and CNN that charges a membership fee to watch videos like this one. Is there a difference? Well, the difference is that if someone STAGED a video like this and even clearly indicated it was not true, and then sold it on a porn site . . . those people could go to jail. But when CNN shows the real deal . . . it's "news". What the fuck!?!

I can guarantee that there are guys paying CNN so they can jack off to what amounts to a child porn video - the pre-snuff scene. Guaranteed. And those of us that are horrified and want to watch it not to jack off . . . but in typical rubberneck macabre fashion? I'm sorry, but we're not any less guilty than the jack-off dudes of using a tragedy for our own entertainment. We do NOT need to see this to know it is terrible. There is no noble way to justify our desire to see this. There is no high-minded moral excuse for watching it (or wanting to watch it) unless maybe it's to show it to your kids and scare the holy fucking shit out of them.

Admit it. It's entertainment for you, pure and simple.